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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
2092 I didn’t mean to laugh. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-09 1701
2091 Learn Korean with Video - Don't Shop in Korean Without These Words koreanculture 2011-06-09 461
2090 There’s no way for her to find out. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-08 1576
2089 각 대학 인재상에 맞게 자기소개서 쓰기 file chanyi 2011-06-07 2760
2088 There must be a shortcut. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-07 1811
2087 What are the chances of winning? file [1] chanyi 2011-06-06 1427
2086 영어속담 풀이 file [1] chanyi 2011-06-05 2489
2085 박칼린을 울린 청년 chanyi 2011-06-05 1193
2084 2012학년도 대학수학능력시험 6월 모의평가 영어 문제, 정답 및 해설 file chanyi 2011-06-04 7929
2083 Rumor has it that he’s a specialist. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-03 1557
2082 It’s no use regretting. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-03 1725
2081 2012학년도 대학수학능력시험 6월 모의평가 문제, 정답 및 해설 [1] chanyi 2011-06-02 24942
2080 Learn Korean with Video - Korean Words for the Workplace koreanculture 2011-06-02 259
2079 Don’t try to trick me. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-01 1828
2078 That doesn’t sound like the truth. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-01 1587
2077 Bring a credit card just in case. file [1] chanyi 2011-06-01 1696
2076 I’ve packed two days’ worth of clothes. file [1] chanyi 2011-05-27 1551
2075 We took turns driving. file [1] chanyi 2011-05-26 1633
2074 Learn Korean with Video - Korean Expressions That Help with the Housework 2 koreanculture 2011-05-26 313
2073 I’m not knowledgeable enough. file [1] chanyi 2011-05-25 2173
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