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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
9912 2016년 제2회 중3 영어 듣기능력평가 문제 듣기 대본 file [1] chanyi 2016-09-08 5918
9911 [패턴영어] ~하는게 어때? Why don’t I call you when I’m done? file chanyi 2016-09-07 1397
9910 [패턴영어] ~하는 최고의 방법은...The best way to succeed is to love your what you do. file chanyi 2016-09-07 644
9909 2016년 제2회 중2 영어 듣기능력평가 문제 듣기 대본 file chanyi 2016-09-07 4084
9908 2016년 제2회 중1 영어 듣기능력평가 문제 듣기 대본 file chanyi 2016-09-06 3759
9907 유료사이트 기출문제 업로드 자제 [1] chanyi 2016-09-06 706415
9906 [패턴영어] ~과 관련하여 I need your financial advice related to my loan. file chanyi 2016-09-05 511
9905 2017학년도 대교협 대입자소서양식 file chanyi 2016-09-05 1671
9904 [패턴영어] ~해야만 하나요? Do we have to wear ties at work here? file chanyi 2016-09-05 719
9903 [패턴영어] 왜 ~보다 ...하지? Why do I get drunk more quickly than you? file chanyi 2016-09-04 613
9902 [패턴영어] 초창기에는 The idea of sharing houses wasn’t popular in its early stages. file chanyi 2016-09-04 477
9901 [패턴영어] 마치 ~처럼. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. file chanyi 2016-09-04 1221
9900 [패턴영어] ~하지 않으면. Never give advice unless you are asked to. file chanyi 2016-09-04 675
9899 [패턴영어] ~에 투자해. We put too much time into reading gossip online. file chanyi 2016-09-04 589
9898 [패턴영어] ~에 압박을 받아서...She’s sensitive because she’s a little pushed for time. file chanyi 2016-09-03 594
9897 [패턴영어] ~해야해. You should train your puppy with treats first. file chanyi 2016-09-03 403
9896 [패턴영어] ~가 일반적인가? Is shaking hands common to all cultures? file chanyi 2016-09-02 492
9895 [패턴영어] ~해서 고마워. I appreciate that you’ve waited with patience. file chanyi 2016-09-02 2942
9894 [패턴영어] ~하는것은 거의 불가능하지. It’s almost impossible to humor that picky Tom. file chanyi 2016-09-02 343
9893 [패턴영어] ~하기위해 면허증이 필요하다. Do I need a license to drive a scooter? file chanyi 2016-09-02 652
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