글 수 1,097
At a party, a very pretty girl was wearing around her neck a thin chain from which hung a tiny golden airplane. One of the young men in the party kept staring at it.
So the girl finally asked him; "Do you like my little plane?" "As a matter of fact," he replied, "I wasn't looking at it. I was really admiring the runway."
At a party, a very pretty girl was wearing around her neck a thin chain from which hung a tiny golden airplane. One of the young men in the party kept staring at it.
So the girl finally asked him; "Do you like my little plane?" "As a matter of fact," he replied, "I wasn't looking at it. I was really admiring the runway."
♣ 이 유머는 김희매 작가가 편역한『배꼽잡고 배우는 유머영어』
(도서출판: 보성출판사, 2004)에실려 있습니다