Mom runs to the restaurant to see for herself,
and her face falls to see how hard Soon-shin is working to try and repay that debt.
When Soon-shin comes home from work,
Mom shouts at Soon-shin for not telling her the truth about being conned.
이순신: 다녀 왔습니다. I’m home.
김정애: 왔어. You’re back.
이순신: 왜 그러고 계세요. Why are you staying like this?
김정애: 학원은 잘 갔다 왔어? Were you doing well in the academy?
이순신: 그럼요. Of course.
김정애: 뭐 배웠어? What did you learn?
이순신: 뭐 이것 저것 조금씩 배우고 있어요.
Well, this and that, I’m slowly taking it all in.
사극도 배우고.
I’m also studying how to talk in historical dramas.
김정애: 이 계집애야! 이 바보 같은 계집애야!
Rotten girl! You idiot rotten girl!
왜 말 안 했어? Why didn’t you tell me?
언제까지 엄말 속일 생각이었어?
How long are you going to keep this from me?
미안하다. I’m sorry.
다 나 때문이야. It’s all because of me.
엄마가 욕심부리고 헛바람 들어서 너 거기다 밀어 넣었다.
I was greedy.
And I forced you in, putting the wind in my sails for some hopeless dream.
엄마 잘못이야. It’s my fault.
이순신: 그게 왜 엄마 잘못인데?
Why is that your fault?
내가 모자라서 그래.
It’s me who’s useless.
내가 모자라고 띨띨해서 그런 거라고.
This happened because I’m lacking.