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A +is(be 동사) new to ~.
A는 ~에게 낯설어(/익숙하지 않아).

<Step 1>
탐은 아직 일에 익숙하지 않아서 실수를 할 거야.
Tom’s still new to the job, so he’ll make mistakes.

이 스마트폰 앱은 나에게는 낯설어.
This smart phone app is new to me.

최신 업데이트는 모두에게 낯설어.
The latest update is new to everyone.

바뀐 규칙이 선수들에게는 낯설어.
The change in the rules is new to the players.

몇 곡은 합창단에게 낯설어.
Several numbers are new to the choir.

그 대단한 발견은 과학자들에게도 낯선 거야.
The breakthrough is new to the scientists.

네가 한 말은 내게 금시초문인데.
What you said is new to my ears.

우리의 매끈한 디자인이 그 상품에 새로 추가된 거야.
Our sleek design is new to the line.

<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Tom’s still new to the job, so he’ll make mistakes.
탐은 아직 일에 익숙하지 않아서 실수를 할 거야.
B: That’s to be expected.
그거야 예상하고 있지.

Dialogue 2
A: The change in the rules is new to the players.
바뀐 규칙이 선수들에게는 낯설어.

B: It was implemented for safety.
안전을 위해서 시행이 된 거야.

Dialogue 3
A: Our sleek design is new to the line.
우리의 매끈한 디자인이 그 상품에 새로 추가되었어.

B: This will fly off the shelves.
이거 날개 돋친 듯 팔리겠는데.


2015.10.14 14:55:40


List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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1515 ~상황에 놓이게 될 거야. Working with him will put you in danger. file chanyi 2015-10-19 679
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1513 ~일 거라는 예감이 들어. It’s my feeling that you’re going to win this game. file chanyi 2015-10-17 607
1512 ~하고 싶어 견딜 수가 없어. I can’t resist eating this chocolate cake. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-14 743
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1508 A가 없는~. Let’s buy duty-free goods before we leave. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-08 776
1507 왜 ~한지 보여 줄 거야. I’ll show you why eating habits are important. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-07 565
1506 I hope A don’t mind ~. 내가 ~한 거 A가 신경 쓰지 않길 바라. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-07 684
1505 누가 가장 ~하지? Who has the most ~(something)? file chanyi 2015-10-05 447
1504 How can you 동사? 어떻게 ...한테 ~수 있어? file chanyi 2015-10-04 422
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1501 ~와 비교해서, 주어 + 동사... Compared with last year, the sales have dropped 30%. file chanyi 2015-09-29 946
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1497 [패턴영어회화] ...는 ~할 권리가 있어. We all have a right to speak freely. file chanyi 2015-09-26 426
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