chanyi 2011-07-30
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 I don’t think it’...
chanyi 2016-01-06
패턴영어회화 ... anytime 주어+동사. ~하는 때는 언...
chanyi 2017-01-04
패턴영어 그녀에게 호의를 요청하는 건 마음이 편지 ...
chanyi 2012-05-07
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 What do you do to...
chanyi 2016-06-26
패턴영어 When do you think I can have a robot butl...
chanyi 2015-07-06
패턴영어회화 Why did 주어 choose A over B? 왜 ~가 ...
chanyi 2013-10-16
Pattern Talk There’s something + 형용사 +about + ...
chanyi 2015-10-30
<패턴영어> ~ look(/looks) fishy. ~이 수상쩍어(/미...
chanyi 2013-04-27
Pattern Talk Let's split up the + 명사 + equally. ...
chanyi 2011-12-19
Pattern Talk 스마트폰으로 청취가능 Do you know wha...
chanyi 2015-10-14
<패턴영어회화> A can’t resist ~. A는 ~하고 싶어 견...
chanyi 2012-01-20
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 She doesn't give ...
chanyi 2016-10-09
패턴영어 Can I buy a house, even though I’m only 10...
chanyi 2015-02-16
패턴영어회화 It’s not a matter of + A, but + B. 이...
chanyi 2012-01-04
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 I never have time...
chanyi 2015-05-31
패텬영어회화 I don’t claim to A, but B. 내가 A라고...
chanyi 2017-02-28
패턴영어 나는 세금을 인상하는 것에 강력히 반대야. ...
chanyi 2010-08-22
1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', ...
chanyi 2014-02-12
Pattern Talk What should I do to deal with+ A? 어...
chanyi 2013-02-06
Pattern Talk I have my + 명사 + all mapped out. 내...
chanyi 2010-09-08
1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', ...
chanyi 2016-05-05
패턴영어 This DNA tech isn’t ready for use in peop...
chanyi 2015-01-27
패턴영어회화 A + want (/wants) me to + B. A는 내가...
chanyi 2012-03-01
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 All I know is tha...
chanyi 2012-12-06
Pattern Talk I'm washing my hands of + 명사. ~에서...
chanyi 2014-08-06
패턴 영어회화 Where do I get ~? ~은 어디에 가야 구...
chanyi 2014-02-07
Pattern Talk This + A + will be a real + B. 이번 A...
chanyi 2016-06-06
패턴영어회화 Saving the environment is easier than...
chanyi 2016-01-29
패턴영어회화 It costs a lot to~. ~ 하는데 비용이 ...
chanyi 2016-01-22
패턴영어회화 You know me more than I know myself. ...
chanyi 2015-05-02
패턴영어회화 There's always more to life than 명사...
chanyi 2016-09-07
패턴영어 The best way to succeed is to love your w...
chanyi 2016-10-03
패턴영어 How come we never see baby pigeons? 어떻...
chanyi 2013-02-22
Pattern Talk His + 명사 + is hard to pin down. 그...
chanyi 2014-10-27
패턴영어회화 The more A, the more B. A를 할수록 더...
chanyi 2015-10-01
<패턴영어회화> Did you notice ~? ~하는 것 눈치챘어...
chanyi 2015-05-19
패턴영어회화 ~ will be a total disaster. ~은 완전...
chanyi 2012-12-21
[패턴영어] Why should I sign up for this + 명사? P...
chanyi 2016-12-04
패턴영어 What’s the best place to see the Northern ...
chanyi 2014-10-13
패턴영어회화 Believe it or not, ~. 믿거나 말거나, ...
chanyi 2014-06-17
5분 패턴영어 Do you know where to + ~(동사) +A? A...
chanyi 2011-07-16
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 It’s time for + ...
chanyi 2012-02-12
Pattern Talk 스마트폰으로 청취가능 What have you d...
chanyi 2016-04-12
패턴영어회화 It’s never too late to do what you lo...
chanyi 2015-12-21
패턴영어회화 A(Someone) take a vote on B(something...
chanyi 2011-09-09
[패턴영어] What do you make of + 명사? Pattern Tal...
chanyi 2012-02-09
Pattern Talk 스마트폰으로 청취가능 It could've bee...
chanyi 2011-07-30
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 Do you mind if I ...
chanyi 2015-10-12
<5분패턴영어> ~ will build up. ~이 누적될(/쌓일)거...
chanyi 2012-05-09
Pattern Talk It didn't cross my mind to + 동사원형...
chanyi 2013-10-07
Pattern Talk 주어 + be 동사 + not in a position to...
chanyi 2012-08-24
Pattern Talk It'll help keep your mind off + 명사....
chanyi 2016-07-16
패턴영어 I grew up listening to the Beatles all th...
chanyi 2014-12-31
패턴영어회화 Where’s the best place for+ 명사? ~하...
chanyi 2012-02-25
Pattern Talk 스마트폰으로 청취가능 I don't blame y...
chanyi 2016-11-13
패턴영어 My plan is to trade in my old phone for a...
chanyi 2015-08-15
<KISS English> Approach A as B. B로 A에 접근해 봐....
chanyi 2015-06-05
패턴영어회화 Something whenever someone can. 시간...
chanyi 2012-02-29
Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 I'll never forget...
chanyi 2015-11-09
<패턴영어회화> A(someone) apologize for ~(somethin...
chanyi 2015-02-10
패턴영어회화 A(주어) + be동사 + interested in + B ...
chanyi 2017-03-01
패턴영어 How old were you when you first travelled ...