Who was~?
~는 누구였어?
<Step 1>
처음으로 푹 빠졌던 유명 연예인이 누구였어?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
고등학교 때 그녀의 첫 남자친구는 누구였어?
Who was her first boyfriend in high school?
네 어린 시절 영웅은 누구였어?
Who was your childhood hero?
어젯밤 게임의 승자는 누구였어?
Who was the winner of the game last night?
전화 통화한 사람이 누구였어?
Who was that (/that person) on the telephone?
전등을 켜 둔 사람이 누구였어?
Who was the one who left the lights on?
그들 결혼식의 주례는 어떤 분이셨어?
Who was their wedding officiator?
이전 대통령은 누구였어?
Who was President’s predecessor?
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Who was your first celebrity crush?
처음으로 푹 바진 연예인이 누구였어?
B: I had a thing for Raquel Welch.
라퀠 웰치에게 마음이 확 갔었지.
Dialogue 2
A: Who was that on the telephone?
전화 통화한 사람 누구였어?
B: Someone misdialed.
누가 전화를 잘못 걸었어.
Dialogue 3
A: Who was their wedding officiator?
그들 결혼식의 주례는 어떤 분이셔?
B: He was a theology professor.
신학대학교 교수님이야.