pororo : S1_EP32. To Tell the Truth...

조회 수 203 추천 수 0 2014.01.12 23:47:37

Pororo and his friends were playing doctors and patients. Loopy finds out that Crong is hungry when she heard the sound coming from his stomach listening through a stethoscope. Amazed by the stethoscope, everybody now thinks that Loopy can find out anything using the stethoscope. Pororo, Eddy, and Poby take turns in 'Loopy's medical examine', and confess each of their wrong doing in their past...

Pororo 32.pdf 뽀로로 시즌1 에피소드32 영어 자막

pororoeng-1.xls  뽀로로 시즌1 자막 해설

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수
» pororo : S1_EP32. To Tell the Truth... file chanyi 203
31 pororo : S1_EP31. Eddy the Great Inventor file chanyi 167
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25 pororo : S1_EP25. Pororo and Dandelion file chanyi 116
24 pororo : S1_EP24. Be Careful! file chanyi 804
23 pororo : S1_EP23. Train Adventure file chanyi 130
22 pororo : S1_EP22. Save Loopy! file chanyi 135
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19 pororo : S1_EP19. Eddy and Telescope file chanyi 146
18 pororo : S1_EP18. Loopy, You Can Do It! file chanyi 137
17 pororo : S1_EP17. Crong's Christmas file chanyi 121
16 pororo : S1_EP16. Wanna Have a Round? file chanyi 138
15 pororo : S1_EP15. Snow Canvas file chanyi 99
14 pororo : S1_EP14. A Magic Flute file chanyi 157
13 pororo : S1_EP13. Eddy's Secret file chanyi 134
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