글 수 781
어디로 가실까요? 손님
Where to, sir(ma'am, lady)?
메트로폴리탄 박물관으로 가주세요.
(Could you) take me to the Metropolitan Museum,
or Metropolitan Museum, please.
or I need to go to the Metropolitan Museum.
저기 왼쪽에 세워주세요.
(Could you) let me off on the left(right, at the
corner, in front of the red building) over there,
or please stop on the right over there.
저기 교차로 지나서 세워주세요.
or please drop me off past the intersection.
is here OK?
How much do I owe you?
how much is the fare? 이런표현은 안쓴다.
잔돈은 됐어요
keep the change.
영수증 주세요.
Can I get a receipt, please?
or I need a receipt.
[Tip] 호텔에서 택시를 부를 때
안내데스크에 전화를 걸거나 내려가서 예약을 한다.
I need a cab at 5 p.m. to the JKF airport.
[yellow page을 보고 전화걸 때]
I need a cab at 5 p.m.
I'm staying at the Sheraton NY Hotel, Room 707.