① What deas he look like?
② How tall is he?
③ How much does he weight?
Heoght(키) |
He's tall. |
He's medium height. | |
He's short. | |
Build(덩치) |
He's skinny.(빼빼마른) |
He's thin.(마른) | |
He's slender.(날씬한) | |
He's medium build.(보통체격의) | |
He's a little heavy.(약간 무거운) | |
He's chubby.(통통한) | |
He's overweight.(뚱뚱한) | |
He's well-built(체격이 좋은) | |
He's stock(dumpy).(땅딸막한) | |
Face |
His face is round(동그란).=He has a round face. |
His face is over(갸름한).=He has a over face. | |
His face is square(네모난).=He has a square face. | |
His face is narrow(긴).=He has a narrow face. | |
He has dark/light/pale skin. | |
His skin is tanned(태운피부). | |
He has a lot of wrinkle(주른이 많은). | |
He has freckles(주근깨있는). | |
He has pimples(여드름있는). | |
He has dark-circles(다크서클이 있는). | |
He has scars(상처가 있는). | |
He has cheek bores(광대뼈가 나온). | |
Eyes |
He has big eyes(커다란 눈).= His eyes are big. |
He has double eyes(쌍꺼플).= His eyes are double eyes lids. | |
He has peaked eyes(찢어진 눈).= His eyes are peaked. | |
He has beautiful green eyes(아름다운 푸른 눈색깔). | |
His eyes are like slits(작은눈). | |
Nose |
He has a big nose(높은코).=His nose is big. |
He has a small nose(낮은코).=His nose is small. | |
He has a upturned nose(들창코).=His nose is upturned. | |
Hair |
He's blade(대머리).=He's going blade. |
His hair is straight(직모의).=He has straight hair. | |
He has curly/wave/frizzy hair. | |
He has dyed hair(염색한 머리). | |
He has greasy hair(기름기 있는). | |
그외 |
She has a striking appearance(눈에 띄는 외모). |
She has a youthful apprearance(나이보다 어려보이는). | |
She has slim figure(날씬한 몸매). | |
She has a slender waist(개미허리 같은). |
영작으로 공부하기
1. 니 아들은 딱 너 닮은 것 같아.
I think your son looks just like you.
2. 난 웃으면 보조개가 생긴다.
I have dimples When I smile.
3. 얼굴에 주름이 많아서 보톡스 맞아야 겠다.
I have a lot of wrinkles on my face I need to get botox.
4. 전에 어리가 더 많았는데 요즘엔 대머리가 되어가고 있어 걱정이다.
I used to have more hair but I'm worried about going bald these days.
5. 난 스포츠머리에 호리호리한 근육질 남자가 좋아.
I like a man who is slender and mucular with crew cut.
6. 그녀의 얼굴은 갸름하다.
Her face is over./Her has on over-shapes face./She has an over face.
7. 그녀는 코를 높이고 싶어한다.
She wants to make her nose bigger.
8. 우리 가족모드는 나이보다 어려보인다.
Everyone in my family looks younger for their age.
9. 난 가슴에 털난 남자가 싫다.
I don't like a man who has hairing chest.
10. 난 어깨가 좁고 덧니가 있는 여자가 좋다.
I like a girl with narrow shoulders and a double tooth.
11. 우리 아빠랑 오빠둘은 모두 어깨가 떡 벌어지고 한 덩치한다.
My father and two older brothers are all well-built with broad shoulder.
12. 우리아빠는 대머리가 되고 있긴 하지만 여전히 젊어보인다.
My father is going bald but still he has a very youthful appearance.