글 수 248
91. 기대에 어긋나지는 않을 겁니다.
92. 내 친구는 한국에서 배낭여행을 하고 있어요.
93. 존이 내 뒤통수를 쳤어.
94. 조용히 해! 지금 집중해야 한단 말야.
95. 당신 또 헛다리짚었어요.
96. 사장에게 호된 꾸중을 들었다.
97. 그 사람 몇 시에 온다고 그랬지요?
98. 10대라는 이유만으로도 죽을 맛입니다.
99. 겉으로는 사나워 보여도 알고 보면 따뜻한 사람이에요.
100. 굼벵이도 구르는 재주는 있다.
101. 그는 건장하다.
102. 그는 참 원기왕성하다.
103. 정말 멋지군요.
104. 나 그렇게 만만한 사람 아니야.
105. 내가 네 뒤에서 지켜보고 있을게.
106. 너는 욕심이 너무 지나쳐.
107. 당신 한국말 참 많이 늘었군요.
108. 돌다리도 두들겨 보고 건너라.
109. 될성부른 나무는 떡잎부터 알아본다.
110. 많은 사람들이 고향으로 내려갑니다.
111. 숨이 차서 더 이상 못 가겠어요.
112. 이 정도도 어디예요.
113. 이것은 썩는 건가요?
114. 이제 살 것 같아요.
115. 잠깐 어디 좀 다녀올게요.
116. 콩으로 메주를 쑨다 해도 안 믿어요.
117. 태어날 때부터 잘하는 사람은 없어요.
118. 약간 치사한 방법이긴 하다.
119. 그의 계획은 흠잡을 데가 없습니다.
120. 그는 경쟁에서 뒤쳐져 있어요.
91. It won't backfire.
92.My friend is backpacking around Korea.
93. I'm back-stabbed by John.
94. Bag it! I'm trying to concentrate.
95. You barked up the wrong tree again.
96. I was bawled out by the boss.
97.What time did he say he would be here?
98.Being a teenager is tough enough.
99.His bark is worse than his bite.
100.All things in their being are good for something.
101.He is buff.
102.He is full of beans.
103.This is breathtaking.
104. I wasn't born yesterday.
105. I am right behind you.
106.Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
107. Your Korean is much better now.
108.Second thoughts are best.
109.As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.
110.Many people are homeward bound.
111.I'm too breathless to go any farther.
112.This is better than nothing.
113.Is it biodegradable?
114. That's much better.
115. I'll be right back.
116. Even if it were true, I still wouldn't believe you.
117.No one is good from the beginning.
118.It's a little bit below the belt.
119.His plan is beyond challenge.
120.He is in the back of the pack.
92.My friend is backpacking around Korea.
93. I'm back-stabbed by John.
94. Bag it! I'm trying to concentrate.
95. You barked up the wrong tree again.
96. I was bawled out by the boss.
97.What time did he say he would be here?
98.Being a teenager is tough enough.
99.His bark is worse than his bite.
100.All things in their being are good for something.
101.He is buff.
102.He is full of beans.
103.This is breathtaking.
104. I wasn't born yesterday.
105. I am right behind you.
106.Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
107. Your Korean is much better now.
108.Second thoughts are best.
109.As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.
110.Many people are homeward bound.
111.I'm too breathless to go any farther.
112.This is better than nothing.
113.Is it biodegradable?
114. That's much better.
115. I'll be right back.
116. Even if it were true, I still wouldn't believe you.
117.No one is good from the beginning.
118.It's a little bit below the belt.
119.His plan is beyond challenge.
120.He is in the back of the pack.
감사요 ㅋ