글 수 257
33. 재귀목적어 Point 목적어의 정의를 동작의 대상이나 결과라 칭할 때, 주어와 목적어는 다른 것이 원칙이나 목적어가 주어와 동일한 대상인 경우 이를 재귀목적어(재귀대명사)라 칭하며 타동사 뒤에 ~self 형태로 표현된다. Practice ․ When you attempt to do something and fail, ask [you / yourself] why you have failed to do what you intended. ․ If atoms are pushed together by high pressure or subjected to high temperature, they can rearrange [them / themselves] within minerals without changing their overall composition. ․ Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating a series of indicators that could help [themselves / them] to predict earthquakes. |