글 수 1,856
그는 인생에서 한때 부랑자이기도 했어.
He was homeless at one point in his life.
<Step 1>
그는 인생에서 한때 부랑자이기도 했어.
He was homeless at one point in his life.
인터뷰 중 한때 그녀는 거의 울 뻔했지.
At one point in the interview, she almost cried.
회의 중에 한때 그들은 모두 동의를 했지.
They all agree at one point in the meeting.
개가 밤에 한때 짖기도 했지.
The dog barked at one point in the night.
비행 중 한때 우리는 난기류를 만나기도 했어.
We met turbulence at one point in the flight.
아침 한때 나는 커피를 쏟았지.
I spilled my coffee at one point in the morning.
판사는 재판 중 한때 휴정을 요청했지.
The judge called for a break at one point in the trial.
경기 중 한때는 점수가 동률이었어.
The score was tied at one point in the match.
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A : 빌의 인생은 우여곡절이 많아.
A : Bill’s had a topsy-turvy life.

B : 그는 인생에서 한때 부랑자이기도 했어.
B : He was homeless at one point in his life.
Dialogue 2
A : 여행 경험은 어땠어?
A : How was your traveling experience?
B : 비행 중 한때 우리는 난기류를 만나기도 했어.
B : We met turbulence at one point in the flight.
Dialogue 3
A : 블루팀이 앞서가고 있네.
A : The blue team is pulling ahead.
B : 경기 중 한때는 점수가 동률이었어.
B : The score was tied at one point in the match.
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